Nick and I had an awesome weekend camping in Banning, Minnesota.
Some of the ruins in the area. It is amazing how fast nature can take over.
Kettle River is awesome.
We're getting pretty good at that one-armed picture taking thing.
There were beautiful flowers everywhere.
one, two, three...
four... five...
... ten gazillion trillium. They were EVERYWHERE!
More flowers...
This cute little purple guy stood out in a sea of white snowy trillium.
We don't want weeds in our bed... (but dandelions can be cute too!)
This butterfly stopped in the path right in front of us, sat long enough for me to take a picture, then flew away. He was going to show me his magnum pose, but then realized he shouldn't even be talking about it right now.
Mr. Toad says hi.
A robin visited our campsite in the morning before we left for the day.
The best parts about the weekend: flowers, the river, hanging out by the campfire. The worst part: TICKS! omg. So. Many. Ticks. In the woods, on our pants, ick ick ick. Unbelievable. ::shiver::