best. weekend. ever.

Taking a break from hierarchy to bring you this update: Best. Weekend. Ever. :)

Friday night we had a date night planned - I was going to take Nick out for sushi as part of his B-day present. Before we left, he said we had to go outside because had something to show me. ("Oh no, what did the dogs eat now?" I worried.)

But that's not what he had to show me at all.

By the little tree we planted together a few years ago, Nick proposed.


After hemming and hawing for a few hours, I said yes. Mostly because our sushi reservation time was nigh. ;)

The rest of the weekend was less momentous, but continually awesome.

Saturday we had an awesome board meeting at the gallery, and when Nick got off of work we went up to the cabin for the rest of the weekend.

Awesomeness ensued.

Bald eagle.

Cute beasties.

Happy fun lake time.

Ready, aim, FIRE!

As the dogs were running around the yard, we stumbled upon a tiny little bird almost dead. No sign of his parents and only a damaged nest nearby, we thought he wasn't going to make it. I took him into the garage, made him a little warm nest, and fed him a little bit of the recommended food.

Here he is, in all his cuteness. Nick thinks he kind of looks like a grumpy old man, and I agree.

By the next morning he was doing incredibly well!


To get him the proper care until he is able to be released back into da wild, I then took him to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Roseville. They said he was doing really well and would probably be just fine. Woooo! Birdy success!

I had an early morning meeting, but since Monday is Nick's day off, we went out to lunch a little later. The Northeast Social Club is now open earlier, and we decided to finally give it a try. Super fantastic food, and apparently magical dining experiences too. While we were sitting outside along the flowerpots, this little guy decided to pay us a visit.

I thought he came to say hi, but maybe he just likes guacamole.

This concludes my summary of the Best Weekend Ever. I'll be back to posting about heterarchies and hierarchies soon, I promise. (I know you're all glued to your seats, right? hehehe.)

::HUGS:: to all!

Camping in Banning

Nick and I had an awesome weekend camping in Banning, Minnesota. Ruins

Some of the ruins in the area. It is amazing how fast nature can take over.

Kettle River

Kettle River

Kettle River is awesome.

Kettle River

By the River We're getting pretty good at that one-armed picture taking thing.

Kettle River


There were beautiful flowers everywhere.



one, two, three...


four... five...


... ten gazillion trillium. They were EVERYWHERE!


More flowers...


This cute little purple guy stood out in a sea of white snowy trillium.


Flowers We don't want weeds in our bed... (but dandelions can be cute too!)


This butterfly stopped in the path right in front of us, sat long enough for me to take a picture, then flew away.  He was going to show me his magnum pose, but then realized he shouldn't even be talking about it right now.

Mr. Toad Mr. Toad says hi.

Robin A robin visited our campsite in the morning before we left for the day.



The best parts about the weekend: flowers, the river, hanging out by the campfire.  The worst part: TICKS!  omg. So. Many. Ticks. In the woods, on our pants, ick ick ick. Unbelievable. ::shiver::

Ae Volunteer Recognition Event - Oktoberfest

Altered Esthetics held our first Volunteer Recognition Event - Oktoberfest Style! My mom, Noelle and I cooked over 30 lbs of mashed potatoes, 70 awesome bratwurst and played polka music throughout the night. It was a blast! Having my parents in town was awesome, our awesome volunteers were there, I got to wear my lederhosen, it really just doesn't get any better than that you know? Liz, Curatorial Superstar and Toneski, Board Secretary Extraordinaire.

Toneski and Liz

Tony and Mindy - having a "really good time!!!"

<br /> Noelle and Natalie

Noelle, our Board Treasurer and Natalie, one of our volunteers who is super awesome (and might I add - the ONLY OTHER PERSON besides myself that dressed for the event!)

Tony and Mindy

Nick and Jamie. Awwwww

Jamie and Nick

More Oktoberfest Pictures here